Spray drying consists in spraying a liquid or a slurry in fine droplets in a chamber where warm air is brought. With this process, the water contained in the liquid is instantly evaporated while the functionalities of the product are preserved.
The powder obtained is either fine (50-100µm) or micro-granulated (100-350µm). The powder is recovered at the bottom of the chamber, the rest is brought by air flow to cyclones which will separate the powder from the air.
This process permits to preserve the functionalities of the product and is a good alternative to freeze drying.
INNOV’IA Segré is certified FAMI-QS and FSSC 22000.
Probiotics, enzymes or heat sensitive products can be spray dried at low temperature to optimize the recovery.
The construction of our production site Innov’ia in Segre-en-Anjou-Bleu has benefited from the measures of the France Relance plan.